HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER puts the spotlight on
the Amsterdam artist DANIELLE KWAAITAAL.

As we celebrate creativity and collaboration,
we hope this unique piece inspires a vibrant
and successful New Year
Danielle Kwaaitaal (daniellekwaaitaal.com) has been a groundbreaking figure in the field of digitally manipulated photography since the 1980s. As a VJ, she was a driving force behind the house scene in the nineties. Renowned for her intimate portraits, underwater photography, and her signature still lifes of flowers and vases, Kwaaitaal’s work is characterized by a keen eye for shape, contour, and material.
Her compositions, often featuring transparent or solid objects, showcase subtle nuances of light, dark, translucency, and opacity. These works demonstrate a true painter’s sensibility. With her Ultraviolet and Zephyr series, Kwaaitaal seems to be moving away from her initial medium, photography. This departure is often seen as a significant milestone in her artistic journey towards a magnum opus. Daniëlle Kwaaitaal’s works are celebrated in numerous museums and corporate collections worldwide.
We have acquired Danielle’s breathtaking work Sole Series — Pontil (2024) which is in the signature blue HRM colours, and is gracing our office walls.

Concept: ANDSTAAT – Danielle Kwaaitaal – HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER