
Patentanwaltsfachangestellte (m/w/d)
HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER ist eine auf den gewerblichen Rechtsschutz spezialisierte europäische IP-Boutique mit Schwerpunkt im Patentrecht sowie Marken- und Wettbewerbsrecht. Als eine der…
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Daniela Romero
Daniela specialized in Intellectual Property, Industrial Property, New Technologies, and Compliance. Her practice focuse...
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Patricia Toledo
Patricia is specialized in Intellectual Property, Competition and New Technologies. Her practice is focused on trademark...
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Davinia Pérez
Davinia holds a degree in Law and has developed her professional practice in several firms specializing in Intellectual ...
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Ward Vleeshouwers
Ward is training to become Dutch and European patent attorney in the field of electronics, mechanics, and software. Ward...
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