Luis Fernández-Novoa


Luis is the Managing Partner of the HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER office in Madrid. He is well-known for his broad expertise in all aspects of IP law, including patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights, as well as unfair competition issues. He is specialised in IP litigation, and mainly in patent litigation, before the Spanish commercial, criminal and administrative courts. He also has experience in ICC arbitration proceedings relating to contractual disputes concerning IP rights. Luis’ experience in patent litigation takes in a wide range of sectors and technologies, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, electronics and mechanics.

Throughout his career, he has acted for leading companies within their sectors, including Gamesa, Huawei, Fractus, Syngenta, AbbVie, Philip Morris, Philips, Inditex, Chanel and Intervet.

    • Representing Seiko Epson Corporation for over ten years, directing the Company’s litigation strategy in Spain for the protection and enforcement of their patent, design and trademark rights.
    • Representing Huawei against various companies in several legal proceedings for patent infringement and invalidity, know-how and breach of contract, in the fields of fiber optics and WCDMA networks.
    • Representing Ceva in several patent litigation proceedings against a major competitor in connection with veterinary drugs in the swine area.
    • Regularly advising and representing Essity in relation to their IP matters in Spain, including several patent litigation cases against competitors related to the client’s hygiene products and dispensing systems.
    • Represented Sanofi in patent litigation against a major competitor relating to monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.
    • Represented Janssen in patent (SPC) litigation against a major competitor relating to generic medicinal products of a successful antiretroviral drug.
    • Successfully represented Fractus, a pioneer in the development of antennas for smartphones, in several patent infringement proceedings, having obtained ex parte preliminary injunctions against a number of companies in several editions of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona prohibiting the promotion of their devices.
    • Advised AbbVie in prelitigation and enforcement of patents relating to a blockbuster biological medicine against biosimilar competition.
    • Represented and advised Sony in customs actions and patent infringement and interim relief proceedings brought in Spain by the South Korean company LG in relation to well-known video game consoles, in the wider context of a worldwide battle that both companies maintained in relation to the cross-licensing of their respective patent portfolios, related to a large extent to standardized technologies.
    • Represented Envac in a patent infringement litigation that gave rise to a landmark decision from the Spanish Supreme Court representing a turning point in the existing legal and case law doctrine regarding an important point of Spanish patent law: the date on which European patents become effective in Spain.
    • International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
    • European Patent Lawyers Association (EPLAW). Member of the Editorial Board of the EPLAW Patent Blog
    • Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Comunicaciones en Propiedad Industrial y Derecho de la Competencia” (CEFI – Institute of Industrial Law and Ethics)
    • American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
    • “Las cuestiones prejudiciales en litigios de patentes”, Comunicaciones en Propiedad Industrial y Derecho de la Competencia, issue #87, May-August 2019, CEFI – Instituto de Derecho y Ética Industrial (IDEI).
    • The New Spanish Patent Act”, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, jpy077, 2 June 2018.
    • “Sobre el momento en el que nace el derecho a reclamar los daños y perjuicios causados por la adopción de medidas cautelares”, Comunicaciones en Propiedad Industrial y Derecho de la Competencia, No. 83, Enero-Abril 2018.
    • “Últimos desarrollos jurisprudenciales sobre certificados complementarios de protección.” XXX Jornadas de estudio sobre Propiedad Industrial e Intelectual. Grupo español de la AIPPI 2015.
    • “Análisis crítico de la Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo en materia de daños y perjuicios derivados de la infracción de patente”, Estudios sobre propiedad industrial e intelectual. Grupo español de la AIPPI. Conmemoración del 50º aniversario. 2015.
    • “La eficacia de la patente europea en España. Apuntes sobre la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 11 de Julio de 2012,” Comunicaciones en Propiedad Industrial y Derecho de la Competencia, January-April 2013.
    • “The Spanish Supreme Court Gets Serious on Patents,” Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (Volume 8, Number 8, August 2013).
    • Chapters 1 and 11 in “La protección judicial de la patente. 15 años avanzando en defensa de la innovación” Comunicaciones en Propiedad Industrial y Derecho de la Competencia, issue #25, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología – CEFI – Instituto de Derecho y Ética Industrial (IDEI).
    • “Infracción de patentes en internet”, Comunicaciones en Propiedad Industrial y Derecho de la Competencia, issue #64, October-December 2011, CEFI – Instituto de Derecho y Ética Industrial (IDEI).
    • “Sobre la patentabilidad de los programas de ordenador. Dictamen de la Alta Cámara de Recursos de la Oficina Europea de Patentes de 12 de mayo de 2010”, Comunicaciones en Propiedad Industrial y Derecho de la Competencia, issue #61, January-March 2011, CEFI – Instituto de Derecho y Ética Industrial (IDEI).
    • “Luis Fernández-Novoa is armed with broad expertise and extensive experience resolving disputes that transcend borders.” IAM Patent 2024
    • “Luis Fernández-Novoa has been a leading light in Spanish patent litigation for many years. His client care is impeccable and he is meticulous in everything that he does.” Legal 500 2024
    • “Luis Fernández-Novoa, Laura Cantero and Álvaro Velázquez have an extensive knowledge in different areas of law and working with them is fluid and productive.” Legal 500 2024
    • “Fernández-Novoa and Velázquez have a pragmatic and hard-working attitude. They persevere and do what is necessary to win the case, and often achieve more favourable results than predicted. They know how to hit the right spot with the judges” IAM Patent 2023
    • “Luis, Álvaro and Laura are highly professional attorneys. They are extremely attentive to detail and highly skilled when it comes to understanding the technical details of the case, which in some cases are rather complex issues spanning many technical fields.” IAM Patent 2023
    • “An excellent and tenacious litigator” IAM Patent 2022
    • “Knowledgeable, client-oriented and pragmatic.“ Chambers & Partners 2022
    • “Litigation division spearhead Luis Fernández-Novoahas been bringing it home for clients in existential disputes for over three decades.” World Trademark Review 2022
    • “Luis is extremely dedicated and open-minded. He will guide you through procedural specifics and suggest alternative options and strategies, along with a recommendation on what he thinks is the best route. These discussions are truly valuable – you can really come up with a solution that will achieve the desired outcome from a business perspective.” IAM Patent 1000 2021
    • “He immerses himself in the cases and tries to understand the cases from a client’s point of view.” Chambers & Partners 2021
    • “One of the country’s brightest lawyers” World Trademark Review 2021
    • “A very good litigator” Chambers & Partners 2020
    • “Outstanding litigator. His professionalism and expertise lend itself to an excellent partnership. His knowledge of the law is superb, as is his ability to learn about new technologies and adapt his strategies to suit each case.” IAM Patent 1000 2020
    • “Expert litigator Luis Fernández-Novoa is noted for his deep understanding of his area.” Legal 500 2020
    • “Luis Fernández-Novoa is a contentious expert who always goes above and beyond to find the best solutions for his clients.” World Trademark Review 2020
    • “Great litigator with ample knowledge of patents and medical devices.” Chambers & Partners 2019
    • “A very good litigator and an excellent lawyer.” Chambers & Partners 2019
    • “Well-known” managing partner Luis Fernández-Novoa delves deep into the technical background of every brief as a matter of course; no small feat, considering the wide range of technical areas in which he practices. IAM Patent 1000 2019
    • “He is able to give a level of expertise that most strictly legal minds can’t.” Chambers & Partners 2018
    • “An accomplished courtroom litigator, he is also sure footed in arbitration and negotiation.” World Trademark Review 2018
    • “Luis Fernández-Novoa is a man whose star is on the ascendant; clients keep him on speed dial for his perceptive take should the unexpected arise.” IAM Patent 1000 2017
    • “Luis Fernandez-Novoa is very intelligent, immediately spots the crucial issue in the case and has a clear oversight of the case as a whole, including co-pending cases in other jurisdictions.” Managing Intellectual Property 2017
    • Commended for “his deep knowledge” Managing Intellectual Property 2017
    • “Luis Fernández-Novoa can easily understand the technical concepts involved in patents. He can think very fast in court hearings.” Managing Intellectual Property 2017
    • Álvaro Velázquez and Luis Fernández-Novoa “are great guys. Both are hardworking and diligent, with a particular skill for explaining the intricacies of Spanish patent litigation to foreign counsel. They have excellent communication skills and can draft compelling briefs and engage in persuasive courtroom arguments” . IAM Patent 1000 2016

Assistant details

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Visiting address:

C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 36, 5.º dcha.
28001 Madrid

Postal address:

C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 36, 5.º dcha.
28001 Madrid