Mathis Breuer


Mathis Breuer has been working as an attorney since 2013 and joined HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER in 2015. He represents national and international clients in all areas of trademarks, unfair competition including drug advertising law, design and copyright. Mathis has extensive litigation experience and has represented clients from a wide range of sectors, including consumer goods, cosmetics, life science and electronics, in both main and preliminary proceedings at all relevant German IP courts. He also advises his clients with regard to product launches, advertising measures and IP-related contracts.

Building on his regular representation of Korean clients, Mathis spent a  secondment with a renowed IP law firm in Seoul in the summer of 2019.

He publishes regularly on different subjects of intellectual property law.

Mathis studied law at the University of Düsseldorf where he began specialising in intellectual property law.

Following his studies, he continued his specialisation working for an international law firm with a strong focus on intellectual property law. During his legal clerkship he worked inter alia for a specialist district court division for intellectual property matters, a leading international law firm and the operating subsidiary of a large sports federation. After having completed his second State Exam, Mathis intensified his knowledge of intellectual property law working for another leading international law firm.

    • Representation of the world market leader for cosmetics, including the representation in an extensive multinational trademark dispute
    • Comprehensive counseling and representation of a global market leader in consumer electronics in trademark and unfair competition matters
    • Counseling and representation of a leading global manufacturer of pharmaceuticals, particularly in an extensive multinational dispute with regards to single colour trademark infringement claims
    • Representation of one of the world´s leading automobile manufacturers in an international trademark dispute concerning a model designation
    • Comprehensive counseling and representation of a major German pharmaceutical and cosmetics company in all matters of unfair competition and trademark law
    • Representing one of the largest and most successful football clubs in the world with respect to the enforcement of trademark infringement claims
    • JDWA (Association of Young Business Lawyers in Düsseldorf) – Founding Member of the Board
    • International Trademark Association (INTA)
    • Association of European Trade Mark Owners (MARQUES)
    • German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
    • Association of Intellectual Property Experts (VPP)
    • Licensing Executives Society Germany (LES)
    • Breuer (2024), Anm. zu EPG: Auslegung der „Geschäftsbeziehung“ iSd Art. 33 I lit. b EPGÜ, Anordnung vom 11.4.2024 – UPC_CFI_495/2023, GRUR-RS 2024, 9684 – ICPillar/ARM (jurisdiction), GRUR-Prax 2024, 467
    • Breuer (2024), Anm. zu BPatG: Verwechslungsgefahr zwischen Getränkemarken, die beide an schutzunfähige Angabe angelehnt sind, Beschluss vom 5.12.2023 – 29 W (pat) 511/23, GRUR-RS 2023, 37049, GRUR-Prax 2024, 97
    • Breuer (2023), Anm. zu EuG: Zeichenvergleich bei Einzelbuchstabenmarken, Urteil vom 25.10.2023 – T-458/21 (Q/Q), GRUR-RS 2023, 28928, GRUR-Prax 2023, 747
    • Breuer/Stolzenburg-Wiemer (2024): Nachahmungsschutz und mittelbare Herkunftstäuschung bei Eigen- und Zweitmarken, GRUR-Prax 2024, 1
    • Breuer (2023), Anm. zu LG Hamburg: Grenze des Bekanntheitsschutzes, Urteil vom 3.3.2023 – 315 O 274/21 (Jägermeister), GRUR-RS 2023, 4369, GRUR-Prax 2023, 268
    • Breuer (2022), Anm. zu OLG Karlsruhe: Anforderungen an eine Irreführung nach der Biozid-VO, Urteil vom 8.6.2022 – 6 U 95/21, GRUR-RS 2022,24763, GRUR-Prax 2022, 446
    • Breuer (2021), Anm. zu VG Regensburg: Verhältnismäßigkeit behördlicher Informationsveröffentlichungen, Beschluss vom 8.11.2021 – RN 5 E 21.886, BeckRS 2021,34108, GRUR-Prax 2021, 763
    • Breuer (2021), Anm. zu OLG Frankfurt a.M.: Keine allgemeine Interessenabwägung bei Aussetzung nach Art. GGV Artikel 91 GGV Artikel 91 Absatz I GGV, Urteil vom 31.5.2021 – 6 W 110/20 (LG Frankfurt a. M.), GRUR-RS 2021, 18763, GRUR-Prax 2021, 528
    • Breuer (2021), Anm. zu LG Karlsruhe: Irreführende Werbung für Desinfektionsmittel, Urteil vom 25.3.2021 – 14 O 61/20 KfH, GRUR-RS 2021,11794, GRUR-Prax 2021, 505
    • Breuer (2021), Anm. zu EuG: Widerspruchsmarke – Warenvergleich anhand spezifischer Ware nach Benutzungsreinrede gegen den Oberbegriff, Urteil vom 25.11.2020 – T-310/19, GRUR-RS 2020, 32069, GRUR-Prax 2021, 78
    • Breuer (2020), Anm. zu VG Frankfurt a.M.: Restaurant als Lebensmittelunternehmen im Sinne des § 40 Ia LFG, Beschluss vom 4.9.2020 – 5 L 2067/20.F, BeckRS 2020, 22578, GRUR-Prax 2020, 498
    • Breuer (2020), Anm. zu VGH Mannheim: Prüfung der Unionsrechts- und Verfassungsmäßigkeit entscheidungserheblicher Norm kann im Eilverfahren geboten sein, Beschluss von 12.02.2020 – 9 S 2637/19 (VG Stuttgart), BeckRS 2020, 2902, GRUR-Prax 2020, 197
    • Breuer (2019), Anm. zu EuG: Warenvergleich nach Einschränkung des Verzeichnisses und Benutzungseinrede im Widerspruchsverfahren, Urteil vom 19.3.2019 – T-133/18, BeckRS 2019, 3633, GRUR-Prax 2019, 207
    • Breuer (2019), Anm. zu LG Düsseldorf: Mustervergleich zwischen Oberflächenstrukturen von Fußballschuhen, Urteil vom 22.2.2018 – 14c O 50/17, BeckRS 2018, 31998, GRUR-Prax 2019, S. 62
    • Breuer (2018), Anm. zu EuG: Zeichenvergleich mit Marke, die denselben Begriff in zwei ähnlichen Schreibweisen schützt, Urteil vom 26.6.2018 – T-556/17, BeckRS 2018, 13075 – STAROPILSEN; STAROPLZEN/STAROPRAMEN, GRUR-Prax 2018, S. 399
    • Schmitz/Breuer (2017), Chapter Germany in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Copyright 2018, 4th Edition”
    • Breuer (2017), Anm. zu BPatG: „McDonald’s” und „” sind verwechslungsfähig, Beschluss vom 31.5.2017 – 28 W (pat) 508/15, BeckRS 2017, 122184, GRUR-Prax 2017, S. 463
    • Breuer (2017), Anm. zu EuG: Antrag „die Eintragung der Marke anzuordnen”, ist unzulässig, Beschluss vom 17.5.2017 – T-164/16, BeckRS 2017, 111864 – THE TRAVEL EPISODES, GRUR-Prax 2017, S. 302
    • Schmitz/Breuer (2016), Chapter Germany in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Copyright 2017, 3rd Edition”
    • Breuer (2016), Anm. zu BPatG: Fehlende Unterscheidungskraft der Wort-/Bildmarke „Unser Brot”, Beschluss vom 19.7.2016 – 24 W (pat) 516/16, BeckRS 2016, 14774, GRUR-Prax 2016, S. 439
    • Schmitz/Breuer (2015), Chapter Germany in “The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Copyright 2016, 2nd Edition”
    • Hahn/Breuer (2015), Anm. zu LG Düsseldorf: Ausstellen auf internationaler Leitmesse im Inland, Urteil vom 28.1.2015 – 2a O 250/14, BeckRS 2015, 05511, GRUR-Prax 2015, S. 187
    • “Mathis Breuer is excellent, both technically and strategically.“ Legal 500 2024
    • “Mathis Breuer is extremely clever and down to earth, making him a pleasure to work with. He can explain very complex legal matters in a simple way, so that clients understand the advice.” World Trademark Review 1000: The World´s Leading Trademark Professionals 2024
    • Managing Intellectual Property IP Stars (Trade Mark, Germany):
      Rising Star 2018-2021
      Notable Practitioner 2022-2024
    • “Mathis Breuer: Fantastic lawyer and very service oriented. Very pleasant to work with“ Legal 500 2023
    • “[…] certainly one of the very best in the market.” World Trademark Review 1000: The World´s Leading Trademark Professionals 2023
    • “The perfect balance between professionalism and an extremely pleasant atmosphere makes working together so easy. Deadlines are always met, feedback is prompt and the results are outstanding. Particularly noteworthy is the feeling for the client and his needs.“ Legal 500 2022
    • “Mathis delivers ready-to-use advice and is one of the fastest and most reliable lawyers out there. He knows trademark law inside out and thinks stategically and with business interests in mind at all times.“ World Trademark Review 1000: The World´s Leading Trademark Professionals 2022
    • “Thomas, Christina and Mathis all show dedication to clients, an ability to explain German trademark law simply and an excellent capacity to work as part of an international team on cross-border matters. I would recommend them to anyone looking for committed and responsive counsel – they are first class.” World Trademark Review 1000: The World´s Leading Trademark Professionals 2021

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